The Cost Plus Drugs Insulin Test Program is ending.
Because of the recent price changes offered by insulin manufacturers, pricing for Insulin Lispro through the Lilly Insulin Value Program is now better than what we can currently provide on costplusdrugs.
Cost Plus Drugs: Insulin Test Program
Our mission at the Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company is to be the lowest cost provider of all FDA-approved medications. To achieve this goal, we often have to start slowly and offer medications to a limited number of patients.
Starting slow allows us to test and optimize our procedures so that we can be prepared to serve as many patients as possible.
The Cost Plus Drugs discount program is funded by Lilly USA, LLC for Insulin Lispro. The discount dollars are provided by the manufacturer sponsored assistance program for Insulin Lispro.
You will be contacted by Cost Plus Drugs when you are eligible to participate.
Please do not ask your healthcare provider to send an insulin prescription to Cost Plus Drugs until you have been contacted by Cost Plus Drugs.
If you are on this page because your doctor or someone from the Cost Plus Drugs teams has sent you here, thank you for being part of this test process. Your participation and feedback will hopefully help millions of patients who currently take insulin!

For this test, Cost Plus Drugs’ insulin pilot program offers two products:
- Insulin Lispro Injection U-100 vial
- Insulin Lispro Injection U-100 KwikPen®
No other insulins are offered at this time. Your doctor is aware of this limitation.
Pricing Information
Cost Plus Drugs’ insulin pilot program sells insulin at one price for a 90-day supply.*
Make sure to discuss this fact with your doctor and order the insulin option that meets your monthly needs.
For this test, each order must be for exactly a 90-day supply of insulin.
The costs of shipping to your door, plus the cost of the packaging required to support the cold-chain shipping requirement for insulin are significant. By offering 90 days at a time, we are able to reduce the overall average monthly cost.
*Maximum order quantities per 90-day supply:
Because our cold shipping containers can only hold up to a certain amount of insulin, we can only support orders up to the following amounts per order:
8 packs of Insulin Lispro KwikPens® (40 total KwikPens®)
12 vials of Insulin Lispro
If you attempt to order more than 8 packs of KwikPens® or 12 vials, your order will be automatically cancelled.
Our shipping and handling fee is $65 per order.
This includes fulfillment, packaging and shipping. There may be incremental cost for shipments to Hawaii and Alaska.
Insulin Lispro
(with discount program funded by Lilly USA, LLC)
Packaging & Shipping
90-Day Supply Cost
In summary, our total price for a 90-day supply of insulin is $170.
If you use 2 vials of insulin per month, this price is equivalent to $28.33 per vial.
If you use 3 vials of insulin per month, this price is equivalent to $18.89 per vial.
If you use 4 vials of insulin per month, this price is equivalent to $14.17 per vial.
We realize that for those patients that only use 1 vial per month the price is $56.67 per vial, which is higher than we would like it to be. We will work hard to get that price lower as quickly as we can.
Restrictions and Limitations
If you have reached this far,
and are ready to place your order…
By continuing, you confirm that you have the ability to store and monitor the temperature for a 90-day supply of your insulin in a refrigerator as indicated on the instructions on your insulin product.
We are also unable to fulfill orders for patients who are enrolled in a federal or state government-funded prescription program.
By ordering insulin from or, you are confirming that you are a resident of the United States, that you are 18 years of age or older, and that you are NOT enrolled in a federal or state government-funded prescription program, including Medicaid, Medicare Part D, Medigap, DoD, VA, TRICARE®/CHAMPUS, or any state patient or pharmaceutical assistance program.
Insurance will not be accepted for this test.
How to Order
During this test, all insulin orders will be delivered only on Wednesday each week.
Once we receive your order, it can take up to 14 days for your insulin to arrive depending on the day of the week you order. We will email you when your insulin order is shipped.
This is a limitation of the trial to help keep our costs low. Please plan accordingly.
Please read the process below extremely carefully. We cannot fulfill your order if you do not follow these instructions exactly.
Click on this link and follow the instructions to create your account:
If you already have an account with, you may skip this step.
AFTER you create your account, send our Prescriber Instructions document to your doctor. Ask your doctor to send us your prescription by following the instructions in the document.
- Prescription Phone Number: 1 (833) 926-3384
- Prescription Fax Number: 1 (650) 683-9775
Your doctor must include the following information on your prescription:
- The email address you used to sign up for
- Instructions for how much insulin you should use each day.
- The number of days this prescription is supposed to last you. This must be 90 days.
- The “NDC Number” for the product you use:
- The NDC number for Insulin Lispro vials is: 0002-7737-01
- The NDC number for Insulin Lispro KwikPen® is: 0002-8222-59
We will contact you using the email address on your account within 24 hours after we receive the prescription from your doctor.
If you do not receive an email from [email protected] that says “Check out now”, then we have not received your prescription, or the prescription we received did not meet the requirements above.
Open the “Check out now” email and click on the orange button that says “Check out now”
After you click “Check out now”…
You will see your Prescription Manager.
You will see a prescription item on this page that starts with the letters “CPI”. This is your insulin prescription.
Below this, click the blue button that says “Add to cart”.
Click on “Cart”.
Then click, “Proceed to checkout.”
You should see your item in the cart with the letters “CPI” in the product name.
You will not be able to check out if you have other medications in your cart. You will need to place a separate order for non-insulin medications.
If you have any trouble after placing your order:
Please contact us at [email protected]. We will only be able to provide support AFTER you have placed an order.
At Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company, we offer hundreds of common medications at the lowest possible prices.